Major Differences in Terminology between ISO 9001 : 2008 and ISO 9001 : 2015

ISO 9001 is standard about Quality Management
Differences between 2008 & 2015 for ISO 9001 are :

ISO 9001 : 2008 
1. Product
2. Exclusions
3. Management Representative
4. Documentation, Quality Manual, Documented Procedure, Records
5. Work Environment
6. Monitoring and Measuring Equipment
7. Purchased Product
8. Supplier

ISO 9001: 2015
1. Product and Services
2. Not Used Exclusions
3. Not Used Management Representative
    (Similar Responsibilities and authorities are assigned but no requirement for
     single management representative)
4. Documented Information
5. Environment for the operation of processes
6. Monitoring and measuring resources
7. Externally provided products and services
8. External provider

Sources :
Introduction ISO 9001:2015 - BSI


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